HIV, AIDS And Medical Marijuana

The harsh reality of being infected by HIV or AIDS leaves the patient with a myriad of symptoms and daily difficulties.

So often, the symptoms and signs are dismissed to a simple cold or even the flu.

A symptom of HIV AIDS could include swollen lymph nodes, fever, mouth ulcers, extreme fatigue, and loss of appetite.

The symptoms of HIV are similar to AIDS and leave the person infected feeling nauseous. This keeps the patient from wanting to eat so they may become weak from lack of nutrition.

HIV And AIDS As Serious Diseases

HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus. AIDS is acquired immune deficiency syndrome.

The immune system becomes seriously deficient when either of these diseases are present. The human body becomes incapable of fighting off bacterial infections.

This is one of the reasons there are so many side effects which can be associated with colds or the flu. Because of this, many times, a person is misdiagnosed; and so the disease becomes more progressive.

Scientific evidence shows that using medical marijuana allows the patient, whether male or female, to eat without feeling nauseous. AIDS symptoms also included chills, rash, and sweats. These symptoms can last anywhere from several days to weeks. While the AIDS symptoms are present, the person is highly contagious and will pass the infection to another person.

🌿 When a person is affected with this deadly disease, finding an alternative treatment is crucial in eliminating any symptom of HIV AIDS. Many of the symptoms do not readily show up in men or women.

So, getting tested again, even after an initial negative test is important in determining whether the signs and symptoms of AIDS are consistent with either of these diseases.

A person who is concerned about having signs of HIV and AIDS may experience various symptoms. These signs include sudden weight loss, fatigue that is difficult to combat and the person hasn’t any reason to be this tired.

Other signs of HIV AIDS are swelling of the lymph glands which are under the arms, in the groin, or even in the neck are. They may also have diarrhea for an extended period of time or have prolonged pneumonia.

Some people will have symptoms of HIV AIDS which are lesions. Lesions resemble pink or purple looking blotches. These blotches may show up inside their mouths, nose, or even on their eyelids.

Memory loss and depression are also part of HIV AIDS signs and symptoms. Medical marijuana has the ability to lift the patient’s spirits. Ingesting or smoking medical marijuana allows the patient to attend to everyday activities with a more positive attitude.

It is well known that having a positive attitude when diagnosed with a deadly disease assists in improving the person’s overall mental health which is directly correlated to the person’s physical health.

The Role Of Medical Marijuana In The Treatment Of HIV and AIDS

Scientific evidence shows that using medical marijuana allows the patient, whether male or female, to eat without feeling nauseous. AIDS symptoms also included chills, rash, and sweats.

These symptoms can last anywhere from several days to weeks. While the AIDS symptoms are present, the person is highly contagious and will pass the infection to another person.

Medical marijuana may be smoked or an oil derived from the plant can be ingested. The effects of the medical marijuana assist in giving the patient the desire to eat. Keeping the body nourished through food is immensely helpful for the patient’s energy and overall well-being day to day.

For some, smoking the medical marijuana is less attractive than ingesting the oil from the plant. Either way, the effect of the medical marijuana has the same effect for minimizing nausea and improving the appetite.

The sooner medical marijuana treatment can begin to treat the HIV AIDS signs and symptoms; the more quickly the patient will begin to feel relief. Many times, the symptoms of AIDS in women are discharged as being cold or flu-like symptoms.

The AIDS symptoms in men may be dismissed in the same way as the symptoms of AIDS in women. Prolonged symptoms that cannot be treated with antibiotics or over the counter cold medicine should be seriously looked at by a medical professional. In both men and women, the lymph glands may swell, a fever may occur, or infections may hang on.

AIDS symptoms in men, as well as women, will also cause extreme feelings of tiredness. The symptoms will minimize and go away; but will continue to recur.

🌿 If the person has been in contact with someone who has HIV or AIDS, and had unprotected sex; then getting a diagnosis will alleviate any fears. Knowing a person is infected allows them to begin treatment as quickly as possible.

It has been indicated that, THC, which is the prevalent ingredient of medical marijuana, may have the ability to slow down or even stop the progression of HIV and AIDS. It is suggested that Cannabis works well within the stomach area.

This makes sense, since medical marijuana increases the appetite and keeps the patient from being nauseous. The vessels of the lymph glands are laid along the side of the small intestines.

Since, the THC in marijuana has such an effect on the stomach area; this leads one to believe that medical marijuana may be able to reduce the effect on the lymph glands.

As if all of the symptoms of HIV and AIDS are not enough, chronic nerve pain also affects some diagnosed with HIV AIDS. Often, traditional pain medication is not completely effective in eliminating the pain they experience on a daily basis.

Medical marijuana alleviates chronic pain, allowing the person to achieve some quality of daily life without being incapacitated by the pain. Chronic pain can lead to depression. So, this is a two-fold treatment for those with this terrible disease.

Nearly 100% of people who are HIV positive will have some type of skin problems. These problems may be rashes, bumps, or lesions on the body. Often, HIV AIDS symptoms will include getting shingles or herpes along with other signs and symptoms of AIDS.

The benefits of Cannabis, or medical marijuana, has shown a significant affect in minimizing the bacteria which bring on the skin problems in a person with HIV AIDs.

Change Your Lifestyle And Struggle Against AIDS!

What comes first HIV or AIDS? HIV comes first, then progresses into AIDS. The progression is dependent on how far along the person has progressed with the disease.

Progression into AIDS is also affected by the treatment the person chooses to slow down the process. Since HIV comes first, the HIV AIDS symptoms would include the extreme fatigue, sudden weight loss, swelling of the lymph glands in the aforementioned areas, and profuse sweating or chills.

All of these HIV AIDS signs and symptoms should be monitored by a medical professional to begin treatment as quickly as possible.

Nearly 100% of people who are HIV positive will have some type of skin problems. These problems may be rashes, bumps, or lesions on the body. Often, HIV AIDS symptoms will include getting shingles or herpes along with other signs and symptoms of AIDS.

The benefits of Cannabis, or medical marijuana, has shown a significant affect in minimizing the bacteria which bring on the skin problems in a person with HIV AIDS.

🌿 Keeping a healthy body weight is a one of the symptoms of HIV AIDS, and a continual battle for a person who is diagnosed with this disease. Medical marijuana increases the desire to eat, while it reduces the nausea that is so prominent in those who have HIV or AIDS.

Maintaining weight AIDS in keeping energy up and maintaining necessary nutrients to fight infection in the body. Food has a positive influence on the person’s body and keeps them feeling optimistic about the prognosis of the disease.

Sleeping well is another one of the signs of HIV and AIDS; as well as being a serious challenge for the patient. Aside from keeping the person’s appetite healthy, medical marijuana AIDS in the person maintaining a healthy sleep pattern.

Getting a good night’s sleep is beneficial to everyone. It is especially important to the person with HIV. Getting proper sleep also keeps the person’s attitude positive and decreases the chances of being depressed.

As if all of the symptoms of HIV and AIDS are not enough, chronic nerve pain also affects some diagnosed with HIV AIDS. Often, traditional pain medication is not completely effective in eliminating the pain they experience on a daily basis.

Medical marijuana alleviates this pain, allowing the person to achieve some quality of daily life without being incapacitated by the chronic pain. Chronic pain can lead to depression. So, this is a two-fold treatment for those with this terrible disease.

They say “we are what we eat”. Food gives us energy and keeps us healthy. Using Cannabis as a treatment for HIV and AIDS can do significant good for those who have the signs and symptoms of HIV and AIDS.

Medical marijuana may become “the” treatment for these deadly immune deficiency diseases. Decreasing the fatality rate of people diagnosed with HIV AIDS is paramount to those infected and to those who love them.

Aspects Of Usage Of Medical Cannabis

Medical marijuana is a plant. The plant can be synthesized in pill form. Plants can be legally grown in mini stealth grow cabinet or in complete marijuana grow tent kits to be used in marijuana cigarettes, or the oil can be derived from the plant for ingestion.

Cannabis is showing great success in treating many symptoms of HIV and AIDS. Continuing research with medical marijuana may show a breakthrough in the not so distant future so as to eventually eradicate these deadly diseases.

Awareness is growing as to the benefits of medical marijuana. Often the prescription medications and pain pills are not affordable. Prescription pain pills have become increasingly addictive, which adds additional worry and depression for the patient with HIV AIDS. Using medical marijuana as a pain reliever and sleep aid has not shown any signs of causing addiction in the patient.

Confidence in the treatments being administered to patients is an important part of treating the patient. Having confidence increases the chance of the patient being optimistic. Optimism reduces the chance of depression.

🌿 When a person feels confident and optimistic, they tend to be mentally and physically healthier. Increase in mental clarity allows the patient to make good decisions for themselves in regard to their diagnosis.

As mentioned before, what comes first HIV or AIDS? HIV positive can progress into AIDS. Both are devastating and demand an alternative treatment.

The use of medical marijuana in the treatment of HIV AIDS is an encouraging step in treating patients diagnosed with either of these diseases. The benefits outweigh any side effects. This is a terrifying disease. Medical marijuana is a safe alternative which offers hope and encouragement for the future.


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