Weed treatment is a rather new branch of alternative medicine, so people often invent some curious and improbable facts about it – for example, the fearing fact of spoiling your semen?
The main part of facts is various and numerous, from the rumors about the provocation of cancer to the death from blood poisoning.
But moreover you can hear something more unpleasant about the usage of cannabis.
It’s badly necessary to deal with this statement and find the truth. In order to calm and convince you we’re going to use confirmed facts and points of view of famous professors.
Is Your Weed Doctor Responsible For The Health of Your Sperm?
An infertility is a serious problem for our country-for about 15% of men and women suffer from it.
This kind of disease can be subdivided into problems with the structure of sperm and problems with the process of ejaculation.
But, as a rule, a major number of men doesn’t think about these statistics, unless they catch the disease by themselves, but, sometimes, it’s too late any more.
And, pay attention to the fact, that even those who don’t treat with a medical marijuana card, can suffer from infertility, because the main problems which occur it are irregular diet, excessive use of alcohol and cigarettes, use of drugs or the general status of their health.
And don’t forget about the role of Endo-cannabinoid System (or ECS), because you ought to keep it in a strict order.
Never Dismiss the ECS
All the difficulties of the metabolism are regulated by the ECS. Using weed, you can stimulate the working capacity of nervous cages not only in your brain, but all over the body.
This process is based on special elements, cannabiods, which are usually developed by the organism and which can be additionally entered into an organism during the treatment.
Such kind of feed can be prescribed by the weed doctor, if the balance of cannabiods in your system of activity is broken.
In this case your weed medicine cooperates with peculiar receptors (We can call them CB2) and carries a various number of maladies and diseases of mental and physical character.
Moreover, the ECS helps us with regulating some other important systems of the body, as, for example, our nerves, the organs of reproduction, our immunity, etc.
So, you can support yourself in many cases just using a medical marijuana card. And we easily understand the harmlessness of cannabis for men´s semen, it even impacts on it with another effect.
Influence of Weed On Reproductive Bodies
Let’s speak about CB2 receptors, which belong to the reproductive system.
According to the last investigations of 2015, they are responsible for the production of sperm, or spermatogenesis.
So the scientists decided to check the importance of that role, using 3 groups of laboratory mice.
(1)The first one was supplied with CB agonist in order to start the process of synthesis.
(2)The second one was supplied with CB antagonist in order to reach the opposite effect.
(3)The third one was supplied with a simple saline solution, without any additives.
The results are rather exponential. The scientists recognised the sudden ascent of the level of spermatogenesis in the 1-st group.
But this positive result doesn’t correspond with the result of another official researches, which demonstrate the negative influence of cannabis on our reproductive system. So what’s the truth?
Relationship Between Weed, CB2 and Spermatogenesis
In order to find the only true conclusion from our investigation, we decided to consult with a specialist in this sphere of medicine.
His name is Jordan Tishler. Dr. Tishler is a a Harvard-trained Holistic Care expert with a focus on cannabis therapeutics, stress management, insomnia, and human sexuality is a leading expert in the field of Medical Cannabis therapeutics.
Let us demonstrate the quotation from his speech about the interaction of them.
“We can’t simply classify the impact of weed on CB2 receptors as agonistic or antagonistic, such subdivision is too common. From the sophisticated look it must be named as a partial-agonistic effect” he approves.
“In fact we must observe the status of the receptor – is it activated or not. And, if we detect the activity of the receptor, we must examine the given effect.
But I’m afraid, the science is not ready to answer such questions. But meanwhile we can speak about the decrease of sperm and the quality of reproductive system for about 25% in the case of use of weed.
It occurs because the elements of cannabis cause the hyperactivity of the endocrine system.
If the level of this activity is too high, the semen is just spoiled, it dies. And we found the fact that the major element of sperm, called Acrosome (it’s function is to help the sperm to get into the egg) is nonfunctional when some percent of weed is in our blood”
But moreover Dr. Tishler notices, that it’s too early now to give a clear conclusion of compatibility or incompatibility of semen and weed and influence of it.
“Our specialists are not sure if the prohibition of medical marijuana cards will solve the global problem of infertility.
Should You Throw Away Your Weed Card Or Not?
“We can say that researches have a positive and negative coloring, but the number of our results is too limited in order to come to the general, firm conclusion” says Jordan Tishler.
“It’s necessary to observe a huge number of data in order to find out if we are right or not.
We can’t forget about the fact that the usage of weed spoils the sperm, but meanwhile it can help those who have, for examples, some problems with the reproduction of it.”
So, in a word, infertility has too much reasons, and not only a weed doctor is responsible for it. Moreover, some patients which are treated only with the help of an alternative medicine, can have problems, connected with an addiction.
So, the health of your future child is the most important thing for you, undoubtedly, But, in order to prevent yourself from infertility, don’t forget about other facts and don’t hurry up with changing the medicines.
Medical Marijuana And Whoopi Goldberg, All You Need Is Weed Doctor And Weed Card In LA