Q & A

What are Prop 215 and SB 420?

In 1996, Californians voted to allow legal use of cannabis for qualified patients. The legal measure was known as Proposition 215 on the 1996 referendum ballot. The passing of Prop 215 caused the creation of SB 420, also known as the Compassionate Use Act. The Act makes legal the possession and cultivation of marijuana by a patient, or the patient’s primary caregiver, for the personal use of that patient accompanied by a valid physician’s recommendation. Please click here for more information on Prop 215 and SB 420.

What conditions are eligible for legal medical cannabis?

Patients with a wide variety of conditions may qualify for a medical cannabis evaluation including, but not limited to:

  • Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)
  • Anorexia
  • Arthritis
  • Cachexia
  • Cancer
  • Chronic pain
  • Glaucoma
  • Migraine
  • Persistent muscle spasms, including, but not limited to, spasms associated with multiple sclerosis
  • Seizures, including, but not limited to, seizures associated with epilepsy
  • Severe nausea

Any other chronic or persistent medical symptom that either:

(A) Substantially limits the ability of the person to conduct one or more major life activities as defined in the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (Public Law 101-336)

(B) If not alleviated, may cause serious harm to the patient’s safety or physical or mental health

What will a physician’s recommendation for medical cannabis allow?

While physicians may not prescribe marijuana because the federal Food and Drug Administration regulates prescription drugs and, under the CSA, marijuana is a Schedule I drug, they may lawfully issue a verbal or written recommendation under California law indicating that marijuana would be a beneficial treatment for a serious medical condition. (§ 11362.5(d); Conant v. Walters (9th Cir. 2002) 309 F.3d 629, 632.). Allows qualified patients the legal use of Medical Cannabis under California Proposition 215 also known as the Compassionate Use Act of 1996 Health & Safety Code 11362.5 and SB420.

What do I need to bring to my consultation appointment?

  •  A California Photo ID
  •  Any photo ID with proof of California residency (utility bill, car registration, lease,etc.) California ID will be needed eventually.
  • Medical Documentation supporting your condition. This is a requirement of the Medical Board and our staff. Please Read How do I obtain my records? (PDF)

Do you accept any medical insurance?

No, not at this time, for patient privacy reasons. We provide discounted consultation fee for Veterans and patients on SSI/Disability, and Patients with ADAP.

Am I guaranteed a recommendation?

A recommendation cannot be written until the physician does a good faith examination and discusses the risks and benefits and determines the use of medical marijuana is appropriate for the patient and his/her medical condition. The fee goes towards the consultation. We allow free follow-up visits as recommended by the evaluating physician for up to a year. We are in full We are in full compliance with the California Medical Board guidelines.

I just failed a drug test. Or have a pending legal issue. If I get a recommendation now, will it help me?

A recommendation from a doctor is valid only from the date written; therefore, it would not relate to any past court dates or drug tests. It is illegal to backdate a recommendation. However, it is always best to become legal, if you qualify.

My job is testing employees for drugs. Can my employer fire me if he finds out that I use cannabis as a legal patient?

These concerns should be addressed with your employer or the Human Resources Department. Ultimately, even if you are a legal medical cannabis patient in California, the status of your job after drug testing is up to your employer, as employers are free to set employment conditions of their own

If I become a legal patient, where and how will I get my Cannabis or medicine?

Unfortunately, we cannot give out nor discuss any information regarding purchasing cannabis or medicine. However there are many easy to find resources on the internet. We are not affiliated with any dispensary or club.

I hear that there are a lot of dispensaries around California but I don’t know where they are, how do I find them?

This is a common question. However, we cannot give out or discuss or give any information regarding purchasing cannabis or medicine. We are not affiliated with any dispensary or club.